

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Boob Tube

     Ok so I'm a bit of a TV addict and can't get enough of reality TV. But i also love watching non-reality shows, so lets begin with a few of those. To start it of is my favorite show, I love this show its
Oh my what can I say. It is just the Greatest show ever, I can't get enough of it! If you've never watched it, you don't know what your missing. Go watch it and you'll fall in love with it. Now every time I see a man in a bow tie I sigh a little. I'm waiting for the doctor to come and take me with him. Next is this lovely new show,

its great! The music, the dancing, and the story line are fabulous. My favorite has to be the music, seriously I could listen to it for days, if you haven't watched it yet go check it out. Next we have

these ones I blame on my mother. She's obsessed with crime shows and I always end up watching them with her but I'm not complaining. I love watching re-run episodes of Law and Order SVU and Criminal Intent, I admit I was so disappointed when criminal intent ended, Goren was awesome, that man knew everything. Now on too another crime show

this is definitely my top favorite out of all the CSI shows. I don't know why, it just has something that the other ones don't, I could watch this all day. Now let's get into my reality show obsession. First is the one that started it all

yes the show everyone loves to hate. I love watching it, I've watched every episode since I got hooked. I've watched every spin off and every special, even the bio on them. Ok onto the next show, this one I get so excited when I hear that the next season is coming
The Real Housewives of Orange County. Woohoo! It just so juicy, they definitely started my love of watching the housewives. I loved New York and Jersey but they just got weird and waaay to dramatic. Recently I started watching the Beverly Hills housewives and I'm loving them. They are my mothers favorite, she hates watching the other ones except this one. And to end this little post its
I watched one episode and I got hooked. Yes I think abbey is a dictator, but I just can't stop watching it. It's like a car accident, you just can't stop watching it! She is so rude to these little girls and their mothers but they just keep going to her studio.
      Now lets move on to some honorable mentions that would have made this list but I didn't want this post to be that big. First, Joan and Melissa: Joan knows best,  Project Runway, Face Off, Ink Masters, The Big Bang Theory, 10 things you didn't know about, Full Metal Jousting, Pawn Stars, Friends, The Ellen Degeneres show, Cupcake Wars, The Chew, The View, finally Phineas and Ferb. I definitely have an odd jumble of favorite shows but that's me.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I won!

     So a few weeks ago I was looking at blog of an author who's books i've been reading since they first came out, seriously, I've read them all. Well she was having a contest for her re-release of her book skater boy, all you had to do was sign up, and at the end of the month 6 winners would be chosen randomly to get 6 prizes. The big prize was a $50 dollar gift card to Amazon and the other 5 were books from different authors who had been featured this month on her blog. Well guess who ended up being the lucky person getting a free book? That's right, me! I had no idea I even won until I looked at her blog today and saw the name of the six winners and one of them happend to be sabina. At first I thought, No, that can't be me, I never win, but low and behold right their in my mail box I got an e-mail informing me that I won! I am so stinking excited, I won something! Yay!! I smile everytime I see my name on there mentioned as the winner, from now on up signing up for any contest an author has.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


     One of the things that bugs me is when I see little kids with cellphones, ipods, or any other advanced technological device. I have no idea what these parents are thinking about when they give their child an expensive device, they can mess that thing up really quickly so basically they're throwing their money in the trash. Their child does not need a cellphone if they're in the first grade, what are they going to do with it? Call Santa?
      Well the reason I brought this up is because my little cousins birthday was about a week ago, she turned 5, and guess what she got from her grandparents? An I pad 2! I pad 2, guys! She is 5 years old, what the heck is she doing with a 500 dollar item! Its just wrong, but I do understand why her grandparents bought it, they spoil her all the time. Seriously all she has to do is say she wants something and she gets it, I do not like it one bit. Come on, that little girl needs to learn the word no, she can't go through life thinking she can get whatever she wants. Its as if they are trying to buy her love, you can't buy love is what they need to understand. They need to stop spending money they don't have on expensive items.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


     Okay, so many months ago I heard of these 2 awesome cello players called 2 cellos. If you haven't heard them yet, go look them up they are amazing. They take popular music and play them on the cello, but its not your average yo yo ma playing, its like they're playing an electric guitar, its so cool to listen and watch. Well I just saw that their CD came out and holy cow its awesome! They have a muse song on there, MUSE, my favorite band in the entire world! I can't get enough of their CD, its on repeat right now. Oh guys seriously, go and watch them on YouTube they are amazing, and they're pretty cute too ;) Just look at them
and they happen to speak Bosnian/Croation which just makes them even more cool.

Monday, February 6, 2012


     I feel so dumb right now. I had this preconceived notion that I was pretty good in English type classes, so I get this assignment last week and bam. That notion that I can write a good paper on anything went straight to the gutter. This assignment was terrible, trying to write it was like pulling your nail off. It was so stinking hard, I hate it, HATE it. I could not come up with anything to write and when I finished I was relieved to wash my hands off it. I knew that this was the worst paper ever and to make me feel even worse I had to send it to my peer edit person in class. I thought okay she's going to say this was good, you need to add a better word here and stuff like that. Well I got my paper back and all sorts of stuff were written on it. I'm not saying it was bad, I thought that this girls edit was awesome, so awesome and smart that it made me feel terrible for writing such a bad paper. And I had to edit her paper too. It was awesome! What am I supposed to say to it, her paper is perfect, I mean PERFECT. I feel like the dumbest person ever and I can not wait to turn this paper in. I even feel like just e-mailing the teacher my paper and not showing up tomorrow in class, I know that's bad and I'll probably still go to class but right now I just feel like crap.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


     Guys I just have to tell you about the Best Book EVER! It's awesome, fantastic, and just gosh darned great! Now let me tell you a bit of my background, I love to read, seriously its an addiction. I read a book every day, im not kidding, I seriously read a book every day. Usually I've already read it but other times its a brand new book, now if I read a book and like it, i'll read it again sometime later. I won't remember when I read it or where, but i'll remember what it was about and what happened (this is also true for the books i didn't like). Now this book that I'm talking about, I remember everything about it. I remember where i read it and when.
     I had ordered this book a couple days before my graduation, I also ordered some other books but this one sooo stood out. This book showed up around 10 in the morning at my house on saturday. I remember beacuse that's when I had my family graduation party. I quicky ripped open the box and started reading a a little of each book but when I got to this one, I could not put it down. I was supposed to be helping my parents with the party but I could NOT put this book down. I would read for about 30 min, go to the living room and do something quickly and run back and start reading again. I finished it before the party even started.
     Now your wondering what on earth is she talking about. What is this book? Well ladies and gentelman this little book, the book that I would take with me if the house was on fire, the book that I read whenever i can, the book that sticks with me even after almost a year is...........DIVERGENT!!! Oh My Gosh!!! I am totally in love with four,(I know, odd name, but man he's yummy ;) ), hes just soo.... I can't even put it to words. He's so awesome!
     This book had me feeling everything, I even cried at one part, you know which one i'm talking about if you've read it. If you know me, then you know Im not a very emotional person, but man, I cried and not once, twice. Tris and four are just so darned cute together and their relationship seems so real, like they totally exist.
     Here is a link to find out more about this book, seriously go read it now. I am counting down the days till Insurgent comes out, I scream inside every time I think of it. Click here

Friday, January 20, 2012

2nd week

     So this was my second week of school and it wasn't that bad. I surprisingly enjoy my American civilization class, I never expected to say that but its probably one of my favorite classes that I've ever had. I come home and tell my mom about all the interesting things I learned in there, like how I discovered that Columbus was an A-word. Seriously, I can't believe we have a holiday for him, an incorrect holiday too, it should be named Leif Ericson day. Oh and my criminal justice class is pretty fun, the teacher is cool, as is my history teacher, and I'm getting really interested in what were learning in their. My English class is a bit of a disappointment, it is not very fun and the teacher seems strict and a bit of a bore. I am going to be so bored in that class, I already know it and I've only had it for one day.
     Something terrible thing happened to me this week. It was so bad. My kindle broke!! Ahh, it was horrible, I take that thing everywhere with me and now it doesn't work. But not to worry, I called kindle support and am doing to get a replacement soon. So how did it break, well I was in the kitchen and put my kindle on the counter when all the sudden it fell and the screen was frozen. The page would not change no matter what I did, I couldn't believe it, I only had for about 6 months. It was my graduation present, so I did feel a bit guilty about breaking it but now I'm getting a new one, yay!